Saturday, October 27, 2007

Track of the Day!!!!

So "End of October" was already awarded Track of the Day over at Garageband. So if you havent heard it go check it out.


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mitch is ILL

Here is a great review of the Latest Ill Mitch Album "Still Mitch"

Mitch is ILL "Ill Mitch has no sophomore slump. He has followed up his debut with an even better second album, "Still Mitch". This Album shows the many layers of Mitch. He mourns the difficulty for a white male to get a job. He raps about the cut-throat life of a person living in the rap game, with stirring portrayals of wedding and bar mitzvah performances. Finally, Mitch reveals his innermost thoughts and ideas, showing the genius that is Mitch. After this strong second album, Ill Mitch deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as jay-Z, Eminem, And 50 Cent." by MSauce (5 stars)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Ok vocals are up go check it out over at and leave me a comment or 2 or 3.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

End of October

Which it very well is but that's not the point of this post. The last couple of days have been a real eye opener for me and has spawned one of the best tracks I have written to date. Sad to say this will push back recording on The Revision but it will have its time. This new song has brought out things in me I never knew where there or even possible. More or less this is the type of song I've been trying to write with out consciously trying to write it. (If you catch my drift) Anyways I'd like to have this one done by Thursday before I go on vacation but I fear what with a job and sleep to get in my way it may not be done till the following weekend. But it will definitely be worth the wait. I have a complete demo of the track which vocals will be recorded tonight for, maybe I can post a short clip of it later on in the week to hold you others over. Until then. Laters.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Art of Slacking

OK, so I know I said I'd have the new track finished up "hopefully" by this weekend but I have found my addiction to the PC game Oblivion too much to handle. But fear thee not brave souls it shall be finished "post haste" Ive just got to get this out of my system first. I mean you've been waiting this long whats another couple of weeks right. I knew you'd understand.


Analog 8-Bit

Monday, October 15, 2007

Peeping Tom

This is my favorite track from Mike Patton's Peeping Tom record performed live on the Henry Rollins show.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Megadeth Warchest

So this is the new box set from Megadeth. I've been a huge Megadeth fan for longer than I can remember and it was about time Dave put out a boxed set. Now first off I'm not one to go out and buy a best of or Greatest hits type album but this is beast all together different. While it does boast some of the bands hits it also has tons of rarities, demo tracks, unreleased tracks etc... but that's not why I initially bought it. The DVD that comes with this 5 disc collection is awesome. Sporting the 90's era Lineup (Menza, Ellefson & Friedman) it was worth the price tag for the DVD alone.
Lets mention the case it comes in. The Bullets along the front are molded and very 3d. Nothing about this box set looks cheap, from the cover to the layered disc insets with loaded bullets depicting the disc number. I found the booklet that came along with it very cool and a good read. You can tell allot of time and effort was put into this thing. All in all this is a great box set and I recommend any fan to pick it up for the DVD alone. Rattle your goddamn head!!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

When Inspiration Strikes

If I could only write songs off the top of my head like this I wouldn't have a freaking desk job. But then again it is Bowie so there you go.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


After a long battle with this track (The Revision) I have finally come to a consensus with a hand full of lyrics I feel worthy enough to put on this track. Albeit once recorded I will probably pick them apart and "revise" them to no end but, I have a good building block to go off of now. I can't wait til this whole song is finally put to bed. That could be another 2 years for all I know (god I hope not). Anyways I'm gunna try my damnedest to complete it this weekend. I'll keep you posted on my developments.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

...And Eye of U.

So since before Eye can remember Eye have been fascinated with I's. hence the Karbide logo below. Everything they project and hide. So much can be said with them. For everyday Eye have nothing interesting to talk about or related to Karbide itself, Eye will post one I. An ocular treat if you will. Lets start off todays with this one here. Enjoy.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Words Fail Me...

No truer words where ever spoken if not to explain the last 2 years of this bloody song. The current track I've been working on again off again since the inception of this project. It has now come down to well.... the words. I have never had such a hard time writing vocal melodies to a track before and this one has eluded me for at least 2 years now. I have added 2 part guitar rhythms, changed drum patterns and such but when it comes to the words they always seem forced and immature. I haven't been able to write anything in the meantime it's like a wall in my head keeping other creativity from leaking out. Well I suppose sometimes you've got to suffer for your art. Heres to hoping it doesn't drive me crazy.

Tired and Frustrated


Karbide is a project I started up after the dissolve of my long time band Mutbuket. After 8 years of playing I had no intention to stop doing music. I started Karbide in San Antonio with the intention of a couple of friends joining on, but as life would have it and we know money makes the world go round I had to relocate to Houston. As of now the only confirmed member is myself. I write it all and I play it all. It isn't an easy task finding musicians here but hopefully that will change. In the meantime I'm kicking around basic Ideas and have a couple of near complete songs. Stay tuned for more to come.
